We provide accelerator programs and professional services for startups

IoT Hub community unites result-oriented people with laser focus and passion in one place and time to build tech organizations from idea to cash out.
We have an infrastructure made of pooled resources: technical tools, management processes, and a multi-disciplinary team. By building 10+ companies for the last 5 years with the same team, we can re-use this infrastructure, software, content, and best practices across projects.
Incubator Programs
Find teammates and make a prototype from an idea
Accelerator Programs
Get knowledge and resources to validate your idea on the market
Venture Building Programs
Dedicated multidisciplinary team that helps to go from product to exit (cashout)
Project Bank
Framework for project conservation and relaunch with a new team


Smart Energy

Code of Conduct
This document defines participacion eligibility rules, team collaboration principles and expected results.
Eligibility rules
IoT Hub is responsible for maintaining and implementing the rules that determine whether a participant is eligible to take part in community.

1. One Team, One Dream 
As a participant I've agreed to — commit to aiming to One Goal no matter whether I am related to other personal projects, organizations.

2. Qualification Matters
I as a participant had to have validated expertise for the role for which I am assigned.
Collaboration principles
1.   First Who, than What
  • the right people on the bus
  • the right people in the right seats
  • the wrong people off the bus
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2. Best practices, rather than reinventing the Wheel Unless we plan on learning more about wheels.

3. Freedom within the framework Objectives and key results (OKR) is a goal-setting framework for defining and tracking objectives and their outcomes. You are free to make decisions within the objectives.

4. Journal process to repeat building an organization more efficiently PDCA (plan, do, check, act) a four step model for process improvement requires from IoT Hub team logging activities like objectives, key results, decisions, practices, methods, etc.